April 05, 2024
We know what we do is unique, we know it is important. And we don't just know this intrinsically, we know it because we get emails like this all the time.
Our best story tellers are often those impacted by what we do, and the causes we support.
This lovely message arrived yesterday and we immediately asked Laura if we could share it - today we got a delightful reply, a wholehearted YES!
Hi to all that work at Elvis & Kresse,
I’m loving my gorgeous Small Post Bag. I spent 30 years as a firefighter in the LFB and was medically retired following an accident. Retirement has been, interesting. I started my transition from roughty toughty straight retired firefighter to being the women I had always known myself to be some years ago.
I was a proud London firefighter and I am a proud transgender woman and member of the LGBTQ+ Community but how do I link these two halves of my life together? A beautiful hand crafted handbag, hewn from the materials of my past fire service life is just the perfect way!
I will always enjoy the incredulous looks I will get when people ask me about my bag and I explain my journey. As I do talks to groups on trans issues this will happen a lot. It might lead to a hug or a smile or a sneer, it’s always difficult to know but I will very proudly use my Elvis & Kresse firehose handbag as a perfect symbol of the two halves of my life. Please inform your staff that sometimes a handbag is not just a handbag.
We are just delighted to be a part of a business like this. Indeed Laura, sometimes a handbag is not just a handbag.