December 07, 2017
95% of British fire-hoses are red but only 5% are yellow. For years our pallet has been dominated by lustrous shades of rich deep red. But over the last few months, there has been a dramatic increase in colour in our workshop.
Our Fire & Hide Collection combines our signature fire-hose with the system we have designed to rescue leather. This system transforms leather fragments from the production of Burberry leather goods into components which are then hand woven, piece by piece, into whole new hides.
Although the leather will flow to us in some regular, expected colours like black and brown, we also receive tiny amounts of very unique colours and textures. This means you will start to see completely individual pieces on our site.
This Post Bag is our first One of a Kind. It combines a clear yellow textured leather reclaimed from the production of Burberry leather goods with genuine decommissioned British fire-hose, also in yellow. The reclaimed parachute lining is a luscious harvest gold. Due to the material available, we could only make one. When it's gone, it's gone.
If you love this yellow, stay tuned or contact us. There will be a few more pieces featuring it, which we will post about in the coming weeks and months.