October 11, 2019
The holiday season is a busy time of the year for Elvis & Kresse and we know that it will get busier every day until the 23rd of December.
We have been working hard, doing our best to squirrel away as many pieces as we can carefully make, but we already know that certain favourites will sell out before December.
2019, The Team at our previous workshop in Tonge Mill before it got too cold
We only ever made three Fire & Hide Post Bags in Gingersnap!
Each year as our team grows we will be able to rescue more material, but we will never be able to guarantee that everything will always be in stock. Interestingly this also reflects the reality of our finite planet, and creates a natural rhythm for our happy team. When we post 'Rescued, Transformed, Sold Out' next to an item on our site it is a celebration, it is a success; it means material has been saved and donations for our charitable partners are growing. It means that we are solving the problems we decided to tackle back when we started in 2005.
How can we help you?
If you find that the gift you were really hoping to give, or receive, is currently not available we can help in two key ways:
Thank you for keeping us busy. Thank you for helping us give back. Thank you for supporting the rescue of all these incredible materials and giving them an amazing second life.
- Elvis & Kresse